“The foundation stone was laid in 1220 for a new cathedral in St Mary’s Mead, part of Salisbury’s water meadows, for what became one of the finest and most imposing medieval structures in England. The dedication took place in 1258. For many years the Cathedral Choir has been recognised as one of the finest in the country and their renown is reflected by the large numbers who attend the daily services.” (J.Murray)

Hymns From England
Label: Alto
- Hubert Parry
- John Newton
- Traditional
- Sabine Baring-Gould
- Eleanor Farjeon
- Ken Naylor
- Henry Walford Davies
- Frederick Faber
- Ralph Vaughan Williams
- John Barnard
- George Bennard
- John Bell
- Charles Wesley
- Henry Hart Milman
- Paul Leddington
- George Duffield
- Rowland Pritchard
- Edward Miller
- Henry Francis Lyte
- Howard Goodall