⭐️⭐️⭐️ (Highest rating) “Lott’s collection brings an ideal choice of songs for the general collector. With Graham Johnson, the most imaginative accompanist, even the best-known songs emerge fresh and new. … Raptly beautiful.”
– Penguin Guide
“Years ago I suggested to a major company that they should ask Felicity Lott to make some Lieder records, advice that wasn’t heeded. Now here is a smaller company recording her at the height of her powers in a disc of popular Schubert songs that shows her complete command of the genre. Secure tone, confident phrasing, exemplary breath control, combined with an understanding of the idiom are evident throughout. They make songs, such as Du bist die Ruh, Nacht und Traume and Ganymed, which can be a trial in technically less accomplished hands, a pleasure from start to finish. In the first of the three, she demonstrates her other gift, that of controlling to perfection a diminuendo.”
– Alan Blyth, Gramophone