“Containing three little known works, this Alto disc is surely not aimed at casual Dvorák fans. But dedicated Dvorák enthusiasts will gratefully embrace it. After all, there are few recordings of the composer’s Terzetto for two violins and viola or his song cycle Cypresses in either its original tenor-piano form or its arrangement for string quartet, and recordings of performances of this quality are even rarer. The two string pieces are played by the English String Quartet, a stylish group that clearly appreciates the composer’s tender melodies and warm harmonies and gives them the kind of affectionate performances that will make them instantly appealing to even the casual Dvorák fan. The song cycle is performed by English tenor Philip Langridge and Czech pianist Radoslav Kvapil with the same sort of enthusiasm, and though the tenor is English, his Czech is heartfelt and idiomatic and his support from Kvapil makes his performance seem even more authentic. Recorded in 1989 and 1991, the digital sound here is fully competitive with more recent recordings, and the result is a disc that any sufficiently dedicated Dvorák enthusiast ought to hear.”